AI Crowd Detection

Streamline crowd management with AI-enabled crowd detection software integrated to existing CCTV surveillance.

Detecting crowd & leveraging actionable intelligence

Computer vision areas have seen active participation by the public, government and research institutions. Video analytics has major applications across different industry sectors deploying Artificial intelligence and machine learning. AI-powered video surveillance allows an exact assessment of individuals and events across the surveillance zone. As a subset of AI, deep learning technology is powered by strong hardware infrastructure.

Core features of AI crowd management

VisionfactsAI provides a robust algorithm for counting and detecting crowds, analyzing the flow/movement and analyzing for any suspicious movement.

Accurate crowd count

Provides estimated crowd count in a specific area at any instant. Within the zone, the number of people in a crowd can be counted easily.

Occupancy management

AI technology has automated detection of occupancy within an area at a given time. It analyzes crowd flow with intelligent analysis.

Counterflow alert

It is one of the best real-time methods of detecting crowds within a given area. It connects directly to existing cameras and secures compliance issues.

Overcrowding alert

Detects crowd density in an undesired direction and provides crowd counter flow alert. In case of overcrowding detection along with suspicious behaviour, it can easily trigger alerts and send notifications.

How does visionfact’s crowd AI detection work?

Connects seamlessly

Visionfacts connects your existing security cameras to the AI cloud for easy accessibility.

Gather key insights

It helps in gaining relevant insights into traffic flows around occupancy management and crowd management.

Receive alerts

Immediately trigger alerts and send notifications on detecting potential threats and public disturbances.

Industry applications of AI crowd detection

In Shopping malls & retail

In Shopping malls & retail

Crowd detection powered by AI can be used in shopping malls and retail to identify any kind of malicious activity going on in a crowd.

In manufacturing facilities

In manufacturing facilities

Workers in manufacturing facilities gathering together can be a sign of suspicion. It detects overcrowding in real-time & sends notifications to authorities.

Construction sites

Construction sites

The technology uses computer vision algorithms to analyze video data across construction sites and analyze the depth of gathering under a surveillance zone.

Healthcare centers

Healthcare centers

Precisely monitor crowds in real-time and manage overcrowding areas in a medical facility infrastructure. It ensures a secure environment for staff, patients and doctors.

Ready to get started with Visionfacts

Boost intelligence analysis with effective AI Analytics software specially designed to help businesses. Connect with our professionals to know more about Construction AI-powered video analytics

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