Onsite safety and security monitoring system with AI for construction

Boost efficiency, improve security, amplify productivity, & drive ROI through real-time computer vision AI, using existing cameras.

Digital signage software driving steadfast results

Transforming CCTV video DATA to Actionable Insights

AI video analytics software for site monitoring allows construction companies to improve safety and streamline workflows. It helps in maximizing operational efficiency & security compliance within a construction site infrastructure.

From real-time detection of safety hazards to issuing real-time alerts to workers, on-site safety & security monitoring systems are empowered with the capability to automatically detect threats to security within the construction facility premises.


  • PPE detection
  • Staff attendance monitoring
  • Fire & Smoke detection
  • Geo fence / Restricted area
  • Anomalous behavior detection
  • Unauthorized human detection
  • Crowd detection
  • Open edge detection
  • Vehicle detection with number plate
  • Mobile phone usage
  • Night intrusion
  • Man Machine interface

PPE Detection

AI-enabled PPE detection system utilizes deep learning algorithms to automatically detect, spot & notify regarding safety gear violations helping to keep your workforce safe with effective safety protocols.

PPE Detection
Staff attendance monitoring

Staff attendance monitoring

AI analytics software has streamlined attendance management by real-time monitoring of staff. It utilizes advanced AI algorithms to track employee attendance through real-time video analysis, accurately detecting & recording their entries and exits in a construction facility.

Fire & Smoke detection

Computer vision AI can analyze real-time video data from security cameras effectively. It swiftly detects fire and smoke in real-time video, triggering immediate alerts for rapid response.

Fire & Smoke detection
Geo fence / Restricted area

Geo fence / Restricted area

The system is designed to detect human intrusion within areas that are restricted. For instance, it automatically identifies whenever any people are entering the restricted premises.

Anomalous behavior detection

It detects & flags unusual patterns, human behaviour & events within a network, helping in the identification of potential threats & operational glitches. It efficiently prevents any rage from occurring inside the premises.

Anomalous behavior detection
Unauthorized human detection

Unauthorized human detection

Computer vision algorithms can analyze video feeds and identify unauthorized individuals’ access to a highly classified zone. It sends real-time alerts to the appropriate authorities.

Crowd detection

The AI technology can detect multiple workers gathering in a place. It could be a sign of a possible outburst. Real-time monitoring of crowds can prevent complications in a construction facility.

Crowd detection
Vehicle detection with ANPR

Vehicle detection with ANPR

The automatic number plate recognition feature recognizes the vehicle’s number plates using OCR & displays alerts in real-time vehicle checking out or checking in to a construction working unit premises.

Open edge detection

Workplace safety is primordial to a construction facility. From detecting openings in high places to places where no handrails are installed, it can prevent catastrophic accidents from occurring & endanger workers’ safety.

Open edge detection
Mobile phone usage

Mobile phone usage

It improves overall productivity by detecting excessive mobile usage. Effectively monitors mobile phone usage across critical work zones. It increases work efficiency too.

Man Machine interface

Providing on-site alerts in construction facilities helps in preventing accidents by alerting operators in real-time and enabling critical responses to data.

Man Machine interface
Night intrusion detection

Night intrusion detection

Surveillance cameras integrated with AI video analytics software help in detecting unauthorized access at night or during the daytime. It potentially prevents situations of theft and vandalism.

Benefits of computer vision AI for your businesses

Productivity & efficiency

Real-time process monitoring enables facilities to automate monitoring seamlessly.

Real-time notifications & monitoring

Time to ramp up security in a manufacturing facility with AI-powered computer vision.

Seamless workflows & Surveillance

Avoiding expenses of staff compensation claims and preventing accidents with computer vision AI.

Seamless workflows & Surveillance

AI technology boost operational efficiency with valuable actionable insights.

Make your construction facility safer with AI video surveillance system

FAQs AI Safety & Security Monitoring for Construction