Left Object Detection Technology

Visionfacts AI’s Left object detection uses deep learning algorithms to generate actionable insights with more proficient detection of objects.

Left object detection

Powered by robust hardware infrastructure, AI-enabled left object detection technology effectively monitors areas like shopping malls, subway stations and airports. It detects objects that are left unnoticed and unclaimed for a certain period of time. Manual monitoring often leads to flaws. However, with AI technology it automates real-time monitoring of left out objects. It potentially diminishes the requirement for security guards facing a left object threat.

Core features of left object detection

AI-enabled left object detection comes with a wide plethora of features. Keep operational premises safe & detect intrusive objects instantly with AI technology.

Robbery mask detection

AI automated detection technology uses deep learning algorithms to analyze video feeds in real-time. It can seamlessly detect the presence of robbery masks.

Foreign object detection

Visionfacts AI left object detection system can effectively analyze the video feed from a certain distance with high-quality cameras. It can detect foreign objects and send immediate notifications regarding the foreign object to all security personnel.

Abandoned object detection

In transportation & construction hubs, it is important to use a security camera network to monitor for unattended objects inside public place premises. It immediately notifies the security personnel the moment it spots.

Litter detection

In construction sites, manufacturing facilities and other public places, litter can be an unnecessary nuisance. Many objects are small & can pose danger. Visionfacts AI utilizes robust machine learning algorithms to spot small unattended objects from a distance.

How does it work?

Visionfacts AI object detection system is specially designed to detect a number of specified objects in multiple frames.

Object detection

The moment it detects any left or unknown object inside the premises, it immediately triggers an alert and sends notifications to security personnel.

Raising alert notifications

By raising alert notifications, it can provide situational awareness in real-time. It can seamlessly monitor object movement across a series of video streams.

Real-time monitoring

AI-driven object detection offers accurate results by leveraging video data gathered from CCTV cameras. With real-time monitoring of events, many catastrophic situations can be prevented.

Popular industry use cases of AI object detection system



Harnessing object detection, radiologists and test specialists in healthcare can easily locate abnormalities in pictures gathered from tests. It assists in creating precise results.

Manufacturing industries

Manufacturing industries

Anomaly detection with AI camera surveillance helps in segregating unwanted objects in video streams within a manufacturing infrastructure.

Defect inspection

Defect inspection

Using object detection, manufacturing companies can seamlessly detect production-line flaws. The detection is based on deep-learning algorithms for detecting flaws.

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