AI-enabled Fire & Smoke detection
Accidents occurring within a workplace due to a lack of security can cause potential fatalities every year. It can account for downtime and running costs. Therefore, identifying and detecting hazards is the primary step in mitigating risks. VisionfactsAI smoke and fire detection is specially designed to monitor, analyze and detect a diverse range of threats that could cause potential dangers. Early detection not only does it prevent the event from escalating but also saves lives and property. It can be installed both outdoors and indoors detecting threats quicker as compared to most conventional sensors. Providing highly accurate results, it eliminates the need for regular turnarounds in comparison to conventional sensors. One of the positive perks of VisionfactsAI facts that makes it stand out from the crows is its seamless integration with existing systems.
Key features that make our Fire & Smoke detection system unique
Automatic Real-time alerts
The detection of any pocket fire or smoke from surveillance premises instantly alerts the security personnel. It triggers alert notifications in real time and prevents potential accidents.
Advanced analytics
Leveraging video stream feeds in real-time, the system generates advanced actionable insights in areas. The utilization of deep learning technology for fire and smoke detection brings it closer to human perception.
Easy integration
From assessing large datasets of rising flames to identifying anomalies, AI-enabled fire and smoke detection systems render accurate results. The technology’s improved processing performance and superior object detection make it the best choice for various industries.
Anomaly detection
The cameras can seamlessly recognize abnormal behavior including sudden movements and anomalies detected within the zone.
How does it work?
Gathering Data
Video data is captured from CCTV security cameras. The AI system analyzes the video streams to generate actionable insights in real-time.
Identifying fire & smoke instances
Under surveillance zones, AI detection systems detect fire or smoke in real time. It can seamlessly identify anomalies within industrial premises.
Automated real-time alerts
As soon as it detects any kind of smoke or spark it instantly sends alert notifications and automates triggering alerts. Real-time alerts help in securing organizations by early informing of fire and smoke.
Applications of fire & smoke detection system powered by AI: use cases

Construction sites
It provides real-time monitoring to ensure that the construction sites remain safe and secure for workers.

Manufacturing plants & factories
In a manufacturing plant, there remains a higher chance of fire from small sources. AI detection technology is capable of detecting fire and alerting security personnel.

Healthcare facilities
A healthcare facility teeming with medical departments that requires effective detection & monitoring of different wards. It can prevent major accidents by real-time alerts.