Mobile phone usage detection AI

Using computer vision techniques, mobile phone usage detection systems identify individuals using phones while working. Improve productivity by overcoming digital distractions.

Mobile usage detection

Time to boost security measures and compliance with advanced mobile phone usage detection. Images and video streams captured by the cameras are processed utilizing artificial intelligence to detect mobile phone usage in workplaces. The technology gets seamlessly integrated with existing cameras and renders accurate phone activity detection. From detecting people recording videos, audios, to sending text messages, it is capable of keeping track of everything resulting in enhanced productivity.

Key Features of AI-enabled mobile usage detection

Improve workplace productivity and increase work efficiency awareness with our Visionfacts AI.

Ready to deploy models

It promotes immediate deployment with zero additional training & seamlessly integrated into your existing systems.

Continuous intelligence & data models

While affirming security and privacy on your premises, the AI model monitors and fine-tunes to changes ensuring heightened precision and accuracy.

Custom models

Specially designed to cater unique requirements, our AI-driven mobile phone usage detection perfectly suits different industry verticals.

How does it work?

Mobile usage detection system offers streamlined implementation and real-time monitoring for enhanced workplace productivity.

Harnessing existing cameras

The existing cameras can be used and integrated with AI mobile usage detection systems. Visionfacts AI is specially designed to provide efficient and cost-effective surveillance solution.

Create real-time alerts & notifications

Now managing the workplace has become easier. Identify mobile phone usage in video streams. It sends notifications with real-time alerts on usage of mobile phones

Major use cases of Mobile Phone usage detection

Military buildings

Military buildings

Mobile phone usage in government data centers, buildings and embassies can be effectively detected. This is relevant to national security.

Warehouses & retail spaces

Warehouses & retail spaces

Intruders can be detected carrying mobile phones during working hours. We have a pre-trained system instantly notifying the mobile phone usage.

Manufacturing industries

Manufacturing industries

Rendering highly accurate results helps in protecting the intellectual model and unique methods utilized in manufacturing facilities.



It ensures data privacy in the healthcare industry verticals. Data theft can be prevented with the usage of mobile phones.

Ready to get started with Visionfacts

Boost intelligence analysis with effective AI Analytics software specially designed to help businesses. Connect with our professionals to know more about Construction AI-powered video analytics

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