Excellent AI for Government & Public sector

Acquire in-depth insightful information about public facilities & take data-driven decisions in real-time using video analytics solutions.

Digital signage software driving steadfast results


Increased efficiency in work process with the robust implementation of Public sector analytics AI solution


More proactive approach to security with the application of AI video analytics


Improved ROI with complete public sector AI video analysis

Artificial intelligence for public sectors

AI Video analytics can be used for enhancing the traffic system, and performing close monitoring of the traffic, transport, & others. It can deliver powerful video analytics solutions effectively assisting traffic authorities and government officials.

Video analytics powered by AI can deliver improved services across shopping malls, city centers, public transport, motorways, and many more. Visionfacts AI is specially designed to help public sectors comprising government agencies.

How does Visionfacts help public sector services?

Government offices are harnessing AI video analytics to optimize public services and enhance decision-making operations in their respective verticals.

Violation of law detection

In different countries, AI-enabled video analytics have proved successful in identifying violence & violation of law across public places in real time. With real-time identification, many crimes can be eliminated.

Automatic number plate recognition

Manage real-time traffic & automate the identification of vehicle number plates with AI. It generates actionable insights & eliminates any kind of security breaches in public areas. It can easily tag vehicles of interest by automating number plate recognition.

Crowd detection

Within a public area or location, it helps to avoid threats & analyze video feeds through AI-powered video management systems. It gathers actionable insights from Visionfacts and sends real-time alerts for any unnecessary crowd within the location.

Facial recognition

Recognize criminals that are flagged in the database at any public location. The system is capable of analyzing visitor management in confined spaces eliminating unwanted actions. Having face recognition features will ensure safety in public places.

Intrusion detection

Public sectors can acquire real-time alerts for any kind of intrusion along with video data of incidents. It enables instant verification of the source & takes action by integrating audio & video analytics.

Emergency alerts & SOS responses

When there is a requirement for call-to-action (CTA) in any location, the AI analytics sends real-time alerts with SOS detection. Authorities can make real-time decisions to save any individual in a public location.

Why choose Visionfacts as an AI Technology partner for the public sector?

Visionfacts AI provides a seamless platform for public sectors to create a strong surveillance system across public places. Several government agencies & public working departments are making the effective usage of AI for generating actionable insights in real time.

Digitization of public services

Digitization of public services

Visionfacts can assist public service departments in eliminating outdated systems. It automates CCTV surveillance processes & recovers valuable time & resources. With digitization, public sectors can offer excellent services to the general public.

Optimize & automate processes

Optimize & automate processes

Now it has become easier to digitally transform operations, internal communication, services & engagement with citizens by replacing critical manual processes with effective automated workflows, transparent information exchange & others.

Create a seamless business infrastructure

Create a seamless business infrastructure

With AI, government agencies can observe the bigger picture created by data insights in real time by integrating Visionfacts video analytics solutions. It helps in creating a strong infrastructure within the organization.

Obtain new trends & opportunities

Obtain new trends & opportunities

In the public sector, it is important to use world-class technologies & innovation in the public sector such as video and audio analytics to administer quick & efficient public services. We assist you in using big data with our video analytics solution.

Let's Get started with Visionfacts

Stay ahead in the Public Sector intelligence with our professional AI solution

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